Birth, Death, Rebirth...

Shadows of Spring is the first of four fantasy novels about a fae woman named Fia who grew up a changeling in the mortal realm after she was switched at birth with a human baby. 

When an ancient forest entity and his hunting party start kidnapping woodsmen, Fia’s adoptive father is taken. She chooses to leave the world she knows and go to the Otherworld of the fae to try and save him. What she doesn’t anticipate is unraveling the mystery of her origin and the greater evils at play.

Inspired by Celtic and Greek mythologies.

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Shadows of Spring is a work in progress. If you want to stay up to date with my progress towards writing and releasing the books, you can follow me on Instagram or TikTok. I will also share updates here on the Author: Book Progress page. I can't wait for you to join me on this journey!